A 49-pound woman, who suffers from a rare disease that makes her bones extremely fragile, shocked her doctors when she was able to give birth to a baby girl in May, WJLA.com reported.LaKendra Nelson suffers from osteogenesis imperfect, or OI, which is a genetic disorder that causes bones to break easily, often from mild trauma with no apparent cause. Also known as “brittle bone disease,” OI patients are shorter than average, and Nelson is just 2-feet,11-inches tall.Doctors say she shouldn’t have been able to carry a child, but she is now the mother of a 5-pound, 2-ounce baby girl named LaKenzie. At birth, LaKenzie weighed 2 pounds and couldn’t breathe on her own. But she is now at home with her mother and continues to be monitored."It's just one of those unbelievable, can't explain it...wow...wow...you really came out of me," Nelson said.Most cases of OI have an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance, according to the National Institutes of Health, which means only one copy of the mutation carrying gene is necessary for a child to have the condition. In this case, LaKenzie did not inherit the gene.“I am kinda happy she doesn't have it...because she'll be normal height and she won't have to go through half of things I had to go through...she'll have a normal height," said Nelson, who has her mother and cousins to help her raise LaKenzie.
While it’s not known exactly how many people in the U.S. suffer from OI, experts believe the number could be anywhere between 20,000 and 50,000.
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